Sunday, May 24, 2020

Is Genetic Engineering Be A Rising Controversial Issue

Genetic engineering has become a rising controversial issue in the world today because of its possible positive uses but further more its likely serious consequences and downsides. To understand the controversy we must first understand exactly what human genetic engineering is. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of the human genome to alter or get rid of undesirable genes; these include negative physical traits along with health related genetic problems such as disease and disability. Potentially, it could allow us to decide and design exactly which traits a newborn would inherit before birth. There is no denying the argument that it would be incredibly useful to have the ability to control and manipulate embryos in order to prevent diseases. However although there would be possible benefits, it is believed by many, including myself, that this huge medical step would cause more harm than good. On top of this, the concept of screening to prevent genetic disorders also suggests that a person with a disorder is somehow inferior, less desirable or not equal. Coming from a family that has lost many to the heartbreaking disease of cancer, I would love to see humans advance to a point where things like this were no longer a part of life. However, in my opinion, genetic engineering is not the solution to this nor is it the way of the future. In the article â€Å" Engineering the perfect baby,† Antonio Regaldo quotes Edward Lanphier who says, â€Å"There really isn’t a medical reason.Show MoreRelatedBiotechnology : Genetically Modified Foods1698 Words   |  7 Pag esto identify an individual), DNA cloning, IVF (in vitro fertilisation – conceiving a baby outside of the body), designer babies (baby whose genetic make-up has been specifically selected), transgenesis (introducing foreign genes into an organism), genome analysis, genetic modification (including genetically modified foods), stem cell research, tissue engineering (improving or replacing tissues) and also xenotransplantation (transporting organs or tissues between two different species). In forensicsRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Organisms Into Modern Society1611 Words   |  7 Pagesadvantages of GMOs 2 Introduction With any new discovery, there are always risks involved, some being serious and some being trivial. 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