Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Graffiti And Its Effects On The World War I - 1504 Words

Comm 1016 Essay We see graffiti everywhere even though it is illegal. Its on trains, buses, buildings you name it there has most likely been graffiti on it. Let’s start with what the definition of graffiti is, â€Å"writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place† ( Graffiti can be traced back as far as world war 2 the most famous tag of that time being, â€Å"Kilroy was here† along with an illustration the artist or ‘writer’ they are also known as, is unknown but believed to work in a bomb factory. Graffiti started to show it’s political and a more passionate voice around 1968 when a riot broke out in Paris France. The writer covered the city with the words â€Å"Beneath the paving†¦show more content†¦Next is wildstyle this form of graffiti was developed by graffiti artists like Tracy 168, Stay High 149, as well as Zephry in New York City. Wildstyle is leaps and bounds more complex than the previously listed styles it’s characteristics are that it’s hard to read, can look three dimensional, and it is aimed more towards looks over function. After wildstyle is the graffiti form referred to as piece, piece or street art contains an array of colours piece works can contain a deeper message than a tag. These pieces take more time and effort than tags making it difficult for street artists to complete without being caught, sometimes street artists are commissioned by land/building owners to paint these pieces onto their businesses or other blank surfaces that could use more colour. Blockbuster, the goal with blockbusters is to cover up other artists works or blockbusters and take up as much space possible doing so fast. Another form is heaven graffiti, this graffiti is found in places at are dangerous or hard to reach (Delana, n.d.), lastly is posters or paste-up which is when an artist creates a piece and then puts it up or ‘pastes’ it wherever they please (GraffitoCanberra, n.d.). Graffiti comes in many shapes, sizes and forms it is not limited to one style or characteristic neither are the people who create it. Graffiti at times is created by gangs, gangShow MoreRelatedEssay about Graffiti Art Brings Positive Effects to Our Society1645 Words   |  7 PagesGraffiti Art Brings Positive Effects to Our Society 2011 TED Prize winner - JRs Wish I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together well turn the world...INSIDE OUT. [pic] Outline I. 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