Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Effects Of Hiv And Aids On South Africa - 1279 Words

1. Why has it occurred? The history in how HIV and AIDS in South Africa occurred is one of the most controversial of any country. There have been many instances where the disease has spread rapidly across the country due to lack of action and harmful interference, conflict between politicians, HIV and AIDS organisations and scientists. The consequences of a slow and interrupted response are still being felt to this very day. Although some groups of society are more at risk then others, South Africa HIV and AIDS epidemic affects people from all sectors. It is said HIV in South Africa occurred due to gay men. Two white homosexual men in 1982 were diagnosed with HIV, both whom were flight stewards. In 1989, a study was reported displaying†¦show more content†¦Social factors include: Poverty, as it can drastically limit the access to health care resources, testing, and medication that has the ability to lower levels of HIV in the blood stream and also help prevent transmission; discrimination, stigm a and homophobia, as these factors most notably reduce the likelihood for individuals to seek testing, prevention and other treatment; prevalence of HIV, just the overwhelming issue that if more people are affected by the disease the increased chances an individual‘s are going to be affected and also higher rates of incarnation among men, has the ability disturb sexual and social networks in the broader society and decrease women’s ability for women to find a partner (CDCP, 2015). The relations of these factors mentioned above will not only continue to fire the epidemic and increase the impact it will have, it also will be significant in determining which interventions will help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. 3. How is currently being dealt with? The Nation Strategic Plan (NSP) is designed to guide South Africa’s response to HIV and AIDS control and develop strategies and interventions to help prevent and treat the disease. Priority 1: Prevention. Identifying and keeping HIV/AIDS negative members of society

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Graffiti And Its Effects On The World War I - 1504 Words

Comm 1016 Essay We see graffiti everywhere even though it is illegal. Its on trains, buses, buildings you name it there has most likely been graffiti on it. Let’s start with what the definition of graffiti is, â€Å"writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place† ( Graffiti can be traced back as far as world war 2 the most famous tag of that time being, â€Å"Kilroy was here† along with an illustration the artist or ‘writer’ they are also known as, is unknown but believed to work in a bomb factory. Graffiti started to show it’s political and a more passionate voice around 1968 when a riot broke out in Paris France. The writer covered the city with the words â€Å"Beneath the paving†¦show more content†¦Next is wildstyle this form of graffiti was developed by graffiti artists like Tracy 168, Stay High 149, as well as Zephry in New York City. Wildstyle is leaps and bounds more complex than the previously listed styles it’s characteristics are that it’s hard to read, can look three dimensional, and it is aimed more towards looks over function. After wildstyle is the graffiti form referred to as piece, piece or street art contains an array of colours piece works can contain a deeper message than a tag. These pieces take more time and effort than tags making it difficult for street artists to complete without being caught, sometimes street artists are commissioned by land/building owners to paint these pieces onto their businesses or other blank surfaces that could use more colour. Blockbuster, the goal with blockbusters is to cover up other artists works or blockbusters and take up as much space possible doing so fast. Another form is heaven graffiti, this graffiti is found in places at are dangerous or hard to reach (Delana, n.d.), lastly is posters or paste-up which is when an artist creates a piece and then puts it up or ‘pastes’ it wherever they please (GraffitoCanberra, n.d.). Graffiti comes in many shapes, sizes and forms it is not limited to one style or characteristic neither are the people who create it. Graffiti at times is created by gangs, gangShow MoreRelatedEssay about Graffiti Art Brings Positive Effects to Our Society1645 Words   |  7 PagesGraffiti Art Brings Positive Effects to Our Society 2011 TED Prize winner - JRs Wish I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together well turn the world...INSIDE OUT. [pic] Outline I. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Global Business Marketing Business Planning

Question: Discuss about the Global Business Marketingfor Business Planning. Answer: Introduction Global business marketing refers the selling of products in the international market. Therefore, an organisation requires to include an effective procedure of business planning, producing, marketing and promoting their products in the global market. As per the statement of Ferraro Brody (2015), it can be stated that global marketing is benefitted for the products. This study will highlight how Mercedes Smart fortwo, Germany will meet the individuals requirement in the target market. Mercedes Smart, Germany has planned to expand their business in the market of Australia. In this context, this study will conduct the strategic analysis of Australia. Daimler Ag is a German multinational automotive company, whose headquarter is at Stuttgart, Baden- Wurttemberg, Germany. Daimler AG is the manufacturing organisation of Mercedes Smart fortwo ( Daimler AG is the thirteenth largest car manufacturer automobile organisation. How Host Country meet the needs of Chosen Country Mercedes smart fortwo is a new smart third generation car. This car has two seats and two doors. The designing of this model reflects good balance between thee mind and the heart of the users. The design of Mercedes smart for two is familiar as FUN.ctional. It is known that automobile industry in Germany is most competitive and innovative within the world. Therefore, it can be mentioned that the employees of this country will be able to meet the Australian consumers requirement. How Product will be Accepted and usable by Australia Impact on Environment: Research shows that the consumers of Australia are willing to be comfortable during their journey. As a result, Mercedes smart fortwo will provide all the level of comfort to the consumers. Hill, Cronk Wickramasekera (2013) opined that Australia has been suffering from huge pollution and the government has restricted the usage of car. In this point, it can be observed that carbon emission from the engine of this car is very less. It emits 119 grams carbon per kilometre. Demand and Supply of Small Cars: On the contrary, Vercellotti Vercellotti (2016) argued that Australia is famous for the manufacturing of large sized passenger vehicles. Therefore, consumers are willing to purchase small sized cars. Australia is not usually produced small sized cars. Therefore, the demand for the small car for the use of personal usage has been increasing in Australia. This also proves that in case of expanding the business of Mercedes Smart fortwo, the company will get the success in their business. On the other hand, in case of launching this product in the other country, Mercedes smart fortwo has determined that they will charge affordable price from the consumers. By doing so, the management will be able to occupy a large portion of market in Australia. They set $ 15000 for this model. Mercedes smart fortwo has made a grand success in Europe. Furthermore, report shows that monthly purchase of vehicles for the personal use has been increasing in Australia since 1988, which can be noticed in the following chart: Figure 1: trend of purchasing of cars in Australia (Source: Cavusgil et al., 2014) From the above figure it can be observed that the trend of purchasing cars have been increasing with the passage of time. This proves that the consumers are willing to purchase the small sized cars. Therefore, if Mercedes smart fortwo will expand their business in the market of Australia, the Merecedes manufacturing company will be benefitted. Strategic Analysis In order to discuss the strategic analysis of Australian automobile industry, the economical, political, social environment of the target market is required to understand. Economical Factor: According to Rittenburg (2016), economical factors of target market are associated with the exchange rate and global economic growth of the host nation. As a result, larger amount of revenue restrained even in case of lower demand compared to the supply. On the other hand, due to the rise of inflation in the world market, has increased the price of the cars. On the other hand, the price of the fuel is depending upon the price elasticity of oil. Therefore, high price of oil leads to the fall in demand in Australia. In this situation, the demand for Mercedes smart fortwo will be decreased ( 2017). Political Factors: Political factors refer the major law and regulations of Australia, which reflects an organisation in case of expanding their business in the Australian market. In the words of Aronczyk (2013), the laws and regulations are brought up around the environmental measurement, which are required to fulfil to the automobile company. On the other hand, government of Australia also impose tariff in case of trading of cars from Germany. This would protect the countrys exporters from the international trade. In this point, Adekola Sergi (2016) mentioned that the automobile requires to set affordable price of their product, so that after tax imposition, the price of the importable cars would not be increased highly. Social-Cultural Factors: Based on the demographic condition and standard of living of Australia, the purchasing pattern will depend. The income statement of the consumers will directly make an effect on the purchasing behaviour. However, it can be noticed that increase the interest regarding the small sized cars has been increasing within the country. As a result, the revenue earning by the organisation will be increased. This will in turn increase the GDP of the target market. Environmental Factors: Mercedes has the opportunity in case of providing the more environmental products, such as higher fuel efficiency cars. Therefore, Rittenburg (2016) cited that business sustainability will be increased through the improvements in organisations process efficiency in this country. Brief Competition Analysis for Products Key Competition The major competitors of Mercedes Company in Australia are such as Iveco and Elfin. They are small car manufacturing company of Australia. In the year of 1983, Elfin first manufacture junior models of the cars. They are specialised in the production of small sized cars. On the other hand, Iveco has the specialisation in the manufacturing of small sized semi trucks. Figure 2: Revenue earning (Source: Created by author) Recommendations for Key Strategies Pricing Strategy: In order to make the business successful in the Australian market, Mercedes requires to consider the income statement of the consumers In addition, they also consider the ability to pay of the consumers, competitors action, target market condition in case of expanding the business. Therefore, it can be recommended the car manufacturing company requires to set penetration pricing policy in order to gain the market (Adekola Sergi, 2016). As the demand is high for this car in Australia, therefore, Mercedes has planned to charge higher price for the products initially and then with the passage of time, the price of the car will be decreased. Distribution Strategy: Mercedes smart fortwo has planned to distribute their products in Australia to the wholesalers. It is not possible to sale the products to the consumers directly. The wholesalers will sell the cars directly to the customers. As the demand for this smart car is higher in Australia, therefore, the management of Mercedes Smart fortwo will not be able to communicate individually with the consumers, therefore, they take the help of the wholesalers (Adekola Sergi, 2016). Product Promotion: Moreover, Aronczyk (2013) mentioned that in order to market the product in Australia, Mercedes requires to take the help of media, social networking sites for the purpose of advertisements. The effective promotional strategy such as providing innovative offer can increase the sales of the company. Conclusion The major concern of this study is to market Mercedes smart fortwo car in the market of Australia. Therefore, the company requires to first identifying the political, environmental, economical and the social factors in Australia, which can affect the organisation in case of expansion. The organisation also requires to follow penetration pricing policy in order to occupy the market. References Adekola, A., Sergi, B. S. (2016).Global business management: A cross-cultural perspective. Routledge. Aronczyk, M. (2013).Branding the nation: The global business of national identity. Oxford University Press. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., Rammal, H. G., Rose, E. L. (2014).International business. Pearson Australia. Ferraro, G., Brody, E. K. (2015).Cultural Dimension of Global Business. Routledge. Helm, R., Gritsch, S. (2014). Examining the influence of uncertainty on marketing mix strategy elements in emerging business to business export-markets.International Business Review,23(2), 418-428. Hill, C. W., Cronk, T., Wickramasekera, R. (2013).Global business today. McGraw-Hill Education (Australia). Rittenburg, T. L. (2016). Cowboy Ethics: Marketing Gimmick or Business Ethics Tool?. InThriving in a New World Economy(pp. 31-35). Springer International Publishing. Vercellotti, S. V., Vercellotti, J. R. (2016). The development of a global small chemical business with international marketing and outreach. InChemistry without Borders: Careers, Research, and Entrepreneurship(pp. 147-156). American Chemical Society. Wild, J., Wild, K. L., Han, J. C. (2014).International business. Pearson Education Limited. GDP per capita (current US$) | Data. (2017) Retrieved 31 January 2017, from (2017). Retrieved 2 February 2017, from

Monday, December 2, 2019

Western Expansion Of The U.S. Essays - Presidency Of James K. Polk

Western Expansion Of The U.S. International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is today the United States' Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Rather the two powers were the United States and Mexico. Both Counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of self protection. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went thorough what is now the modern Mexican state of Chihuahua into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the French in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the west, through the sea, which led to the establishment of San Diego in 1769 and Los Angles in 1781. The Spanish were not the only European power to colonize the new world; French, English and the Dutch also settled North and South America. The Spanish and the French settled what is present day U.S.-Mexico border region. The French settled modern day U.S. midwest, while the Spanish settled present day Mexico and U.S. southwest. As time went on, European influence in the region diminished.. The French sold there claims to the United States, in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Once the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase, western expansion began. This set the stage for major conflict in the region. The United States gained independence from England in 1775. After 1775, the Americans started to expand west. By the time Mexico gained independence, the United States had reached the Mexican frontier. Mexico needed to protect its northern borders. To protect the border region, Mexico needed to populate the area. Mexico continued the policy started by Spain of allowing Americans to settle Texas. The Americans had to follow Mexican law, religion and customs. The settlement of Texas played into the United States' expansion plans. Eventually Mexico City closed Texas from more Americans from entering. This angered the Americans wanting to enter and Americans already living in Texas. Texas revolted from Mexico in 1833. Mexicans did live in Texas, and fought for the independence of Texas. The majority of Texans were Americans and fought for their independence. After the war the Americans intentionally or non-intentionally forced most Mexicans out of Texas. The ones that stayed faced racial tensions that continue to today. After gaining independence from Mexico, Texas wanted to join the United States immediately. The U.S. Congress voted against Texas

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Politics of George Clooney, Actor and Liberal Activist

Politics of George Clooney, Actor and Liberal Activist American actor George Clooney is a liberal, a strong supporter of liberal causes and charities, and an outspoken critic of conservative politics and warmongering. Clooney supported John Kerry for President in 2004; Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, and Hilary Clinton in 2016. Among other causes, he actively supports gay rights. Im a liberal. Im confused when that became a bad word. Its interesting. I think what happened over a period of time, probably in the late 80s when it became sort of a political tool.... [T]he liberal movement morally, you know, has stood on the right side of an awful lot of issues. We thought that blacks should be allowed to sit at the front of the bus and women should be able to vote, McCarthy was wrong, Vietnam was a mistake.  George Clooney to CNNs Larry King on February 16, 2006. Actor, Director, Producer George Clooney is best-known as having been a television and film actor since early 1980s, and as a director and film producer since 2002s Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Most Americans first noticed him as the handsome Dr. Doug Ross on the popular television program ER from 1994 to 1999. Clooney regularly appeared in five other television shows prior to ER. Clooneys acting credits range from the goofy Return of the Killer Tomatoes (1988) to the seriocomic O Brother Where Art Thou, the Coen brothers 2000 take on Homers The Odyssey. His writing, producing, and directing credits include political-commentary films such as Syriana (2005) and The American (2010), as well as historically-themed films such as The Monuments Men (2014) and Good Night, and Good Luck (2006). The Clooney Family George Clooney was born in 1961 near Lexington, Kentucky to Nick Clooney, a regional newscaster and well-liked TV personality, and Nina Warren Clooney, local city council member, and former Kentucky beauty queen. Hes also the nephew of the singer Rosemary Clooney and cousin of actor Miguel Ferrer. One 2003 article dubs the Clooney clan the Kennedys of Kentucky for their formidable liberal influence in the conservative northern part of that state. By all reports, the Clooneys are a close-knit, Irish-Catholic family, and George is fiercely loyal to his father. When Nick Clooney ran for Congress in 2004, George raised over $600,000 from fellow celebrity-activists for his fathers unsuccessful campaign and made personal appearances on behalf of his father. Charity Causes In the charity world, Clooney is known for his work with numerous disaster relief efforts, including America: A Tribute to Heroes in 2001 for victims of 9/11; Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope, to benefit victims of the late-2004 Indian Ocean tsunami; and the Hope for Haiti Now for the victims of the 2010 earthquake. Clooney donated $1 million in September 2005 to the United Way Hurricane Katrina Response Fund to help out the victims of the hurricane. Clooney is a member of the United Way Board of Trustees. Said Clooney when he made the donation, Today our neighbors need food, shelter, and health care, but the very near future is when the difficult part of rebuilding lives and homes and cities starts. Were all in this one together. In March 2006, Clooney donated his Oscar gift-bag (Value: about $100,000) to the United Way, to be auctioned off to benefit that humanitarian organizations programs. Preventing Mass Atrocities Clooney has also contributed money and time to the recognition, prevention, and cessation of genocides and mass atrocities. He was instrumental in the creation of Journey to Darfur, a program on the ongoing conflict in Darfur; the recognition of the Armenian Genocide; the Satellite Sentinel Project reporting on the civil war between Sudan and South Sudan; and the Aurora Prize, which awards people who risk their lives to present genocides and atrocities. In 2006, Clooneys longtime liberal activism and unabashed political views also rose to headline-attracting public prominence. After a 5-day visit to Darfur, Clooney spoke out against genocide in that country and urged greater US and NATO involvement. In September 2006, Clooney testified before the UN Security Council, urging that UN peacekeepers enter Darfur. Clooney and the Conservative Media Clooney has been the focus of attacks from conservative media outlets. In September 2001, Clooney was a primary organizer on a telethon to raise money for victims of 9/11. The program, America: A Tribute to Heroes raised US $129 million which was donated to The United Way. Conservative political commentator Bill OReilly took Clooney and his associates to task for not appearing on The OReilly Factor program to respond to scattered news reports that the money was not, in fact, going to the victims. Infuriated, Clooney responded in an angry letter to OReilly on November 6, 2001, in which he scolded, The fund is not only the most successful single fundraiser ever, it is doing exactly what it is designed to do. Responsibly. The money is going out to the right people... In 2014, the British tabloid The Daily Mail reported that the family of his then-fiancee, Amal Alamuddin, opposed their marriage on religious grounds, saying that some of her relatives had joked about killing the bride if she disobeyed her parents. Clooney wrote an open letter in the USA Today calling the paper a laughable tabloid that crossed into the arena of inciting violence. A Few Political Films Over his career, Clooney has appeared in and had some creative control over the production of several films with political content. Here are a few of the best known. Three Kings (1999)- At the Gulf Wars end, four US soldiers come across a potential jackpot: a rolled up treasure map to Saddam Husseins stashes of confiscated gold hidden bewteen the buttocks of a captured soldier. While pursuing selfish gain, the men collide with Iraqi civilians and experience a different side of the war.Confessions of a Dangerous Mind  (2002)- Based on the life of Chuck Barris, who claimed dual careers as loony game-show host and CIA operative for the US government. Also directed by Clooney.Good Night, and Good Luck (2005)- Taking place during the early days of broadcast journalism in 1950s America, this film chronicles the real-life conflict between newsman Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy and his House Un-American Activities Committee. In a political climate of fear and reprisal, the CBS news crew persists. McCarthy is brought before the Senate and made powerless as his lies and bullying tactics are finally uncovered. Clooney was nominated for a Bes t Director Oscar for this film. Syriana (2005)- In this political thriller that unfolds against the intrigue of the global oil industry, Clooney plays the role of career CIA operative who disturbing truths about the work to which he has devoted his life. He won the 2006 Best Supporting Oscar and a Golden Globe for this role.The Ides of March (2011)- Clooney directed and co-wrote the screenplay for this take on modern-day dirty politics,Money Monster (2016)- A financial TV hose and his producer are taken hostage by an irate investor who is convinced there is a conspiracy driving fluctuations in global high tech markets. Summing Up Liberalism When asked in 2005 by the German magazine Brigitte, why conservatives continually vilify liberals, Clooney succinctly summed up liberalism.... Its quite amazing that liberal nowadays has become a swear word as in the history of our country it always meant to be on the side of justice. It started with the witchhunt in Salem, the conservatives point of view was: Burn them at the stake, and the liberals point of view was: There are no witches. And thats how it continued with the civil rights movement and womens suffrage. The liberals were always right in the end. Sources: Carr. 2005. A ringside seat for Murrow versus McCarthy. The New York Times, 18 September 2005.Cieply M. 2010. Within days, a global benefit takes shape. The New York Times 21 January 2010. Gibson, C. 2017. George Clooney takes aim at powerhourse D.C. lobbying firm over its ties to the Sudanese government. The Washington Post 7 July 2017.Somaiya R and Haughney C. 2014. Heard the News on George Clooney? This Much Is True: He’s Livid. The New York Times, 11 July 2014.Internet Movie Database (IMDb). 2017 George Clooney. Downloaded 24 November 2017

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberias Iron Lady

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberias Iron Lady Ellen Johnson was born on  October  29, 1938, in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, amongst the descendants of original colonists of Liberia (ex-African slaves from America, who promptly on arrival set about enslaving the indigenous people using the social system of their old American masters as a basis for their new society). These descendants are known in Liberia as Americo-Liberians. Causes of Liberias Civil Conflict The social inequalities between indigenous Liberians and the Americo-Liberians have lead to much of the political and social strife in the country, as leadership bounced between dictators representing opposing groups (Samuel Doe replacing William Tolbert, Charles Taylor replacing Samuel Doe). Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf rejects the suggestion that she is one of the elite: If such a class existed, it has been obliterated over the last few years from intermarriages and social integration. Gaining an Education From 1948 to 55 Ellen Johnson studied accounts and economics at the College of West Africa in Monrovia. After marriage at the age of 17 to James Sirleaf, she traveled to America (in 1961) and continued her studies, achieving a degree from the University of Colorado. From 1969 to 71 she read economics at Harvard, gaining a masters degree in public administration. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf then returned to Liberia and began working in William Tolberts (True Whig Party) government. A Start in Politics Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf served as Minister of Finance from 1972 to 73 but left after a disagreement over public spending. As the 70s progressed, life under Liberias one-party state became more polarised- to the benefit of the Americo-Liberian elite. On April 12, 1980, Master Sergeant Samuel Kayon Doe, a member of the indigenous Krahn ethnic group, seized power in a military coup and President William Tolbert was executed along with several members of his cabinet by firing squad. Life under Samuel Doe With the Peoples Redemption Council now in power, Samuel Doe began a purge of government. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf narrowly escaped- choosing exile in Kenya. From 1983 to 85 she served as Director of Citibank in Nairobi, but when Samuel Doe declared himself president of the Republic in 1984 and unbanned political parties, she decided to return. During the 1985 elections, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf campaigned against Doe and was placed under house arrest. An Economists Life in Exile Sentenced to ten years in prison, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf spent just a short time incarcerated, before being allowed to leave the country once again as an exile. During the 1980s she served as Vice President of both the African Regional Office of Citibank, in Nairobi, and of (HSCB) Equator Bank, in Washington. Back in Liberia civil unrest erupted once more. On 9 September 1990, Samuel Doe was killed by a splinter group from Charles Taylors National Patriotic Front of Liberia. A New Regime From 1992 to 97 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf worked as Assistant Administrator, and then Director, of the UN Development Program Regional Bureau for Africa (essentially an Assistant Secretary-General of the UN). Meanwhile, in Liberia, an interim government was put in power, led by a succession of four un-elected officials (the last of whom, Ruth Sando Perry, was Africas first female leader). By 1996 the presence of West African peacekeepers created a lull in the civil war, and elections were held. A First Attempt at the Presidency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf returned to Liberia in 1997 to contest the election. She came second to Charles Taylor (gaining 10% of the vote compared to his 75%) out of a field of 14 candidates. The election was declared free and fair by international observers. (Johnson-Sirleaf campaigned against Taylor and was charged with treason.) By 1999 civil war had returned to Liberia, and Taylor was accused of interfering with his neighbors, fomenting unrest and rebellion. A New Hope from Liberia On 11 August 2003, after much persuasion, Charles Taylor handed power over to his deputy Moses Blah. The new interim government and rebel groups signed an historic peace accord and set about installing a new head of state. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was proposed as a possible candidate, but in the end, the diverse groups selected Charles Gyude Bryant, a political neutral. Johnson-Sirleaf served as head of the Governance Reform Commission. Liberias 2005 Election Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf played an active role in the transitional government as the country prepared for the 2005 elections and eventually stood for president against her rival the ex-international footballer, George Manneh Weah. Despite the elections being called fair and orderly, Weah repudiated the result, which gave a majority to Johnson-Sirleaf, and the announcement of Liberias new president was postponed, pending an investigation. On  November 23, 2005, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was declared the winner of the Liberian election and confirmed as the countrys next president. Her inauguration, attended by the likes of US First Lady Laura Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, took place on Monday, January 16, 2006.Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the divorced mother of four boys and grandmother to six children, is Liberias first elected female president, as well as the first elected female leader on the continent.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 270

Assignment Example Various parts of the world have different cultural practices and food preferences, the MacDonald in its establishment in each country, has paid attention to the cultural believes and the taste of the different countries. For instance in India, the country took into consideration the fact that the Hindu culture does not advocate beef consumption (Keegan, 2014). To curb the issue, the company provided a similar product but without beef in it – maharaja chicken-.The Company strategically places itself in abuse place that can attract more customers. For instance in India New Delhi initial branch, the company places itself in a busy street that saw soaring queue in the evenings hence drawing large revenue to the company. Moreover, for acceptability in the local areas, the company purchases over 90 percent of its raw materials from the locals (Keegan, 2014). As much as MacDonald’s might want to standardize its products in its entire chains world over, it has to pay attention to the local culture and preferences. To the MacDonald and its acceptability world over, the company has resulted to developing a similar product but using different ingredients that are acceptable in the local market. It is evidently displayed in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Software Usability (HW) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Software Usability (HW) - Research Paper Example Good usability results to a pleasant man-to-machine interaction while bad usability results to frustration. Evaluating the site usability is a subjective process involving corporate views and user perspectives. The end-users should have to have the last opinion about it. Below could be a set of criteria in assessing site usability: Navigability. First of all, there should be a speedy and easy navigation where a user won’t seem to notice he/she is in fact navigating. A good ride around the site keeps the user stuck for more and exploring for concerns becomes common sense. At the very least, the user becomes at ease about the organization of the site without necessarily knowing what it is (Lawrence & Tavakol, 2007). Frames, table of contents, â€Å"You are here!† flags are just some of the commonplace devices to easy navigation (Spool et al., 1999). Content Layout. Visuals are just of the essence. The site is made for the users not for the developers or designers who can read through intricate machine languages. However, this is not heavily about aesthetics, though – in fact, not at all. This is where the readable text style and size and appropriate color come into the picture of an acceptable page visibility allocated for a user (Peterson, 2005). User-preference. This may be the most important factor in e-commerce sites. Though it may not be useful to all websites, some people will still actually look for the â€Å"Search† button first thing upon getting into the site. Web experts seem to have come into unparalleled conclusions regarding website usability. One may always find loopholes in every argument another makes. Actually, usability is a simple thing people only likely notice when they don’t get it. To end debates like these, consumer research is key. Consumer psychology is a way to marketability. More so, nobody makes a good conclusion without a good research. It

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Miss Julie Essay Example for Free

Miss Julie Essay This play is mainly about two characters one who is obviously Miss Julie and the other Jean. Miss Julie is a twenty-five-year-old tragic heroine. The other major character Jean is a thirty-year old valet who is chosen as Miss Julie’s lover. There are other characters such as Christine and Serena who are relatively minor characters. The setting for this play takes place in a kitchen of the Count’s manor house on a Midsummer’s Eve. In the beginning of the play it starts off with Julie dancing in the kitchen. Christine goes on to say that the reason she is rambunctious is because she is realizing that her engagement is broken. With this rambunctious behavior Julie begins to flirt with jean. Although Jean does not love Julie he still plays along with Julie, saying kind words to Julie that were not from his heart. Later on that night Jean and Julie sleep together. Then just like that after they have slept together Jean pretends like nothing ever happened and tells Julie he doesn’t love her. Enraged by this act of cruelty Julie confesses that she hates men. Later when the gossip is out Julie is ashamed of herself and is terrified of the consequences of the count. Julie then has no one else to run to for help except Jean, so she asks him what she should do and that she would do any thing for him to get her out of this mess. Terrified of the count Julie tells Jean to pretend he is the count and to hypnotize her. Jean does this but when he hypnotizes her he commands Julie to her death. Miss Julie the play has a straight forward message to the audience. The message is to all women saying to them to not give in very easily into a mens words. For example I have an uncle who always would tell me to always tell beautiful things to girls even if you don’t mean it because they fall for that. I personally never liked doing such acts, but for a lot of men out there this is a common strategy. Women should never give into a man very easily because that just tells the man that they have no respect for themselves. The play Miss Julie reminded me of my cousin and her boyfriend Ben. I pictured Jean in the play as Ben and Julie as my cousin, because even though Ben is dating my cousin it is obvious he does not love her. Just like Jean only pretended he loved Julie. Finally when my cousin realized he did not love her she also like Julie became enraged and gained hatred towards men. To this day my cousin would care less if she is single or not. Today in society I would say the problem with a lot young unwed girls getting pregnant in this day in age is due to the fact that they are not respecting themselves. This example reminds me of Julie how she did not respect herself in the play. Julie gave her heart to jean and jean shattered it in to pieces by just using Julie and then acting like nothing ever happened. One concrete statistic to prove that teenage pregnancy is getting out of control is from the Center of Disease: they say that one third of girls get pregnant before they are twenty (Teen Pregnancy). Miss Julie was a great play. It was though out very well by August Strindberg. One note to add about the play is that it had a lot of good messages to give to the audience. The Characters in this play were very easy to get into. Overall Miss Julie had a lot of positives to it and should be a play everyone should go to.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Ghost of Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay examples -- Toni Morrison B

The Ghost of Beloved One of the most engaging arguments about Toni Morrison’s book Beloved is centered around the nature of the girl Beloved. The argument is whether Beloved is simply a young woman who herself had suffered the horrors of slavery, or the ghost of Sethe’s crawling already? baby girl. The evidence shows that Morrison intended Beloved to be the ghost of the crawling already? girl. It has been said that there are basically two reasons why ghosts walk: they have either unfinished business to attend to of have died a very violent death. The crawling already? girl fits both of these profiles. She died without growing up, without knowing why she died. As a result, she has unfinished business with her mother, Sethe. The crawling already? girl’s death was also horribly violent. Her mother cut her throat with a saw in the cold shed, rather than have her and her children be brought back into slavery. Many of the clues that indicate Beloved is actually the ghost of the baby girl are within the passages where she first arrives at the house on Bluestone Road. Each of these things put together support the idea that Toni Morrison intended Beloved to be the ghost of the crawling already? baby girl. The first clue is that she "had what sounded like asthma", meaning that her breathing was labored. If Beloved is the ghost, it would make sense that she would have trouble breathing; after all, because the windpipe is found in the neck, and Beloved’s neck was nearly severed, her windpipe would have to have been severed also. She would have quick, raspy breathing, as people with asthma have when they can’t hold a breath. Earlier in the book, Morrison talked about how the ghost slammed Here Boy into ... ...of the bread that Baby Suggs gave her. The burnt bottom pieces of the bread could have reminded her of the river that they crossed to get to 124. The river could have looked black because they crossed at night. When all of the information is tallied up and the clues counted, all of the evidence points to the fact that Beloved is not a real woman, but the spirit if the baby girl come to life. She could have reanimated the body from the hunter’s cabin that Stamp Paid made a passing reference to, or maybe she created the body herself, and that’s why she was so worried it would fall apart. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that all of the evidence points to the fact that somehow, Beloved did come back to life. She is truly the ghost of the crawling already? baby girl. Works Cited: Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York, Penguin Books USA Inc, 1988.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing Strategy Place of Company Nikon Essay

Advertising is key to successful implementation of the strategic plan. The more often employees hear about the plan, its elements, and ways to measure its success, the greater the possibility that they will undertake it as part of their daily work lives. It is especially important that employees are aware of the measurement systems and that significant achievements be rewarded and celebrated. This positive reinforcement increases support of the plan and belief in its possibilities. Without buy-in from the head of a company, it is unlikely that other members will be supportive in the planning and eventual implementation process, thereby dooming the plan before it ever takes shape. Commitment and support of the strategic-planning initiative must spread from the president and/or CEO all the way down through the ranks to the line worker on the factory floor. Just as importantly, the strategic-planning team should be composed of top-level managers who are capable of representing the interests, concerns, and opinions of all members of the organization. As well, organizational theory dictates that there should be no more than twelve members of the team. This allows group dynamics to function at their optimal level. The components of the strategic-planning process read much like a laundry list, with one exception: each piece of the process must be kept in its sequential order since each part builds upon the previous one. This is where the similarity to a flow chart is most evident, as can be seen in the following illustration. The only exceptions to this are environmental scanning and continuous implementation, which are continuous processes throughout. This article will now focus on the discussion of each component of the formulation process: environmental scanning, continuous implementation, values assessment, vision and mission formulation, strategy design, performance audit analysis, gap analysis, action-plan development, contingency planning, and final implementation. After that, this article will discuss a Japanese variation to Strategy Formulation, Hoshin Planning, which has become very popular.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Aldi †Crisps, Snacks & Nuts Essay

Exercise You have been asked by the Buying Director to visit a local Aldi store and critique the Crisps, Snacks & Nuts fixture. Your critique should take the form of a report or presentation in any format. However, we will not be providing laptops on the day so if you choose to produce a PowerPoint presentation we advise you print out your slides prior to the day. You may want to look at using a SWOT or PEST analysis. A SWOT analysis requires you to consider strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A PEST looks at external issues such as political, economical, social and technological factors. We have detailed a number of pointers that may be of help to you. You should consider short term and long term recommendations leading on from your analysis, taking into consideration any wider implications. The critique should cover areas such as: Quality Range Service Availability Packaging On the day of your Interview, you will have an opportunity to present your department critique to the Buying Director. In this exercise you will be assessed on: Your critical evaluation of the department and the reasoning behind any recommendations made The ideas you present Your consideration of the long term and wider implications

Friday, November 8, 2019

Harlem Renassance essays

Harlem Renassance essays The Harlem Renaissance can easily be compared to The European Renaissance of that began in the 14th century. The European Renaissance included a series of literary and cultural movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. These movements began in Italy and eventually expanded into Germany, France, England, and other parts of Europe. Participants studied the great civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome and came to the conclusion that their own cultural achievements rivaled those of antiquity. Their thinking was also influenced by the concept of humanism, which emphasizes the worth of the individual. Renaissance humanists believed it was possible to improve human society through classical education. This education relied on teachings from ancient texts and emphasized a range of disciplines, including poetry, history, rhetoric (rules for writing influential prose or speeches), and moral philosophy. The word renaissance means "rebirth." The idea of rebirth originated in the belief that Europeans had rediscovered the superiority of Greek and Roman culture after many centuries of what they considered intellectual and cultural decline. The preceding era, which began with the collapse of the Roman Empire around the 5th century, became known as the Middle Ages to indicate its position between the classical and modern world. The Harlem Renaissance was an African American cultural movement of the 1920s and early 1930s that was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Variously known as the New Negro movement, the New Negro Renaissance, and the Negro Renaissance, the movement emerged toward the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid- to late 1920s, and then faded in the mid-1930s. The Harlem Renaissance marked the first time that mainstream publishers and critics took African American literature seriously and that African American literature and arts attracted significant attention from the nation at large. Alth...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

State Facts in Spanish Using the Indicative Mood

State Facts in Spanish Using the Indicative Mood In addition to traditional verb tenses, such as present and past tense, there are three moods that are also used in Spanish. These verb tenses reflect the way a sentence is constructed. The most common mood in Spanish is the indicative mood, which is used in ordinary, typical speech when making statements. In Spanish and English, the three moods are indicative, subjunctive, and imperative.  The mood of a verb is a property that relates to how the person using the verb feels about its factuality or likelihood. The distinction is made much more often in Spanish than it is in English. In Spanish, the indicative is referred to as the ​el indicativo. More About the Indicative Mood The indicative mood is used to talk about  actions, events, or true statements. It is typically used for making factual statements or describing obvious qualities of a person or situation.   In a sentence such as I  see  the dog, which translates to veo  el perro, the verb veo is in the indicative mood. Other examples of the indicative mood include  Irà ©Ã‚  a casa, which means, I  will go  home, or compramos  dos manzanas, which translates to we  bought  two apples. These are both statements of fact. The verbs in the sentences are conjugated, or changed into forms that reflect the indicative mood. Difference Between Subjunctive and Indicative Mood The indicative mood contrasts with the subjunctive mood, which is often used in making subjective or contrary-to-fact statements. The subjunctive mood is used to talk about  desires, doubts, wishes, conjectures, and possibilities, and there are many instances of its use in Spanish. For example, If I  were  young, I would be a soccer player, translates to,  Si  fuera  joven, serà ­a  futbolista.  The verb fuera uses the subjunctive form of the verb,  ser, to be. The subjunctive mood is rarely used in English. For a rare example of the subjunctive mood in English, the phrase if I  were a rich man refers to a contrary-to-fact condition. Note, the verb were does not agree with the subject or object, but here, it is used correctly in the sentence - since in this case, it is being used in the subjunctive mood. The  Spanish language seems to have no problem using the  verb in the subjunctive mood when the corresponding English sentence (in almost all cases) will use the indicative mood.   Use of the Imperative Mood In English, the indicative mood is used nearly all the time, except when giving  direct commands. Then, the imperative  mood  comes into play.   In Spanish, the imperative mood is used mostly in informal speech and  is one of the more unusual verb forms in Spanish.  Since direct commands sometimes can sound rude or impolite, the imperative form may be avoided in favor of other verb constructions. An example of the imperative mood would be eat, as in a mother directing her child to eat. In English, the word can stand alone as a sentence when used in this way. The verb comer means, to eat in Spanish. This sentence would be stated simply as  come or  come  tà º.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What is the role of the consumer in our culture Essay

What is the role of the consumer in our culture - Essay Example There are times that an individual can go to purchase a certain commodity and probably finds the attendant with very poor moods. In such conditions, the attendant may talk in a wanting manner and at times fail to satisfy the customer. There are times however that an individual may find the attendant in appropriate moods. These are the times that they may even get a bonus or rather receive a special type of treatment from the attendant. This information shows that there does not exist any particular way through which one can identify the treatment accorded to them as a customer since it is unpredictable. The customer has minimal power over the production process of the commodity or the media’s involvement with the product. The media is whole other setting and many times, people say that the media is independent. This in itself alone as a sentence enables an individual to understand that the consumer has no control over the media’s involvement with a certain product. The customer however has an extended involvement in the production of a commodity. The reason is that at times, a group of consumers may have some negative reaction towards a certain commodity and this may make them submit their grievances to the production team (Ewen & Ewen). It is after this that the manager may pass the information to the relevant quality control teams to make amends. It is also vital to grasp and comprehend that the ordinary consumer does not have any control over the ideas that the media may have on a certain product. There are times that a consumer may use a product and have a negative view about it. After this, the consumer may find the media advertising the commodity and giving it fake praises. This normally angers the consumer but the reality is they cannot do anything concerning this. It is the right of the product owner to

Friday, November 1, 2019

(Choose the Topic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(Choose the Topic) - Essay Example Huxley is correct though when he comments that â€Å"the release of atomic energy marks a great revolution in human history† (Huxley, 1946, xi). When Huxley wrote Brave New World, nuclear energy had yet to be used in warfare. However, later in his foreword Huxley does mention of America’s use of nuclear bombs the year before in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Huxley was at least correct in saying that nuclear fission would change the way that wars are fought in the future, and this has proved to be the case. Huxley also predicted that the â€Å"politicians and generals of Europe consciously resisted the temptation to use their military resources to the limits of destructiveness or to go on fighting until the enemy was totally annihilated† (Huxley, 1946, xii). As World War II had just ended when Huxley was writing his foreword, he could not have predicted that the European Union would be formed. What Huxley did get right was that the horrors of the two world wars taught leaders and politicians to not get involved militarily. Since the end of World War II, many European nations have attempted to diffuse conflicts through negotiation and as such there have not been any major wars in Western Europe. Huxley also talked about the shifts in political and economic power that would occur in the future. â€Å"To deal with confusion, power has been centralized and government control increased† (Huxley, 1946, xiv). Over the last eighty years there has been increased centralization in the major economies of the world, and this has been facilitated through international trade. Trade unions have made the world smaller and also kept political and economic power in the hands of the few. To combat this, Huxley correctly surmises that â€Å"only a large-scale popular movement toward decentralization and self-help can arrest the present tendency toward statism† (Huxley, 1946, xiv). Perhaps Huxley underestimated the control that governments and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Correlation between obesity and poverty Annotated Bibliography

The Correlation between obesity and poverty - Annotated Bibliography Example The BMI of normal people lies below 25 kg/m2 (Kopelman, Caterson, & Dietz, 2010). According to Smith (2009), the BMI of an overweight individual lie between 25 kg/m2and 30 kg/m2, while the BMI of individuals suffering from obesity exceeds 30 kg/m2. Through studies, it has become apparent that obesity correlates with poverty. According to Smith (2009), poverty can lead to obesity, and at the same time, obesity can lead to poverty. Studies have shown that obesity and poverty can have a direct or indirect influence on each other. It is apparent that overweight and obesity correlate with poverty because most people do not afford healthier diets (Lane, 2006). Based on calories; diets composed of fish, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables enhance normal health, but they are far more expensive than diets consisting added fats, added sugars, and refined grains (Lane, 2006). In some American communities, local convenience stores do not offer vegetables, fruits, or other fresh, whole, and real foods. In an urban setting, an individual should have a car in order to access real foods that rural markets offer. Research shows that an attempt to reduce food expenditure tends to drive individuals toward added fats, added sugars, and refined grains, which have a likelihood of causing obesity. On the other hand, being obese can make an individual poor because obesity and overweight bring about various kinds of sicknesses. Sick individuals spend most of their time in hospitals and other health institutions, thus such individuals are not economically productive (Bolin & Cawley, 2007). Diseases associated with obesity include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and cancer (Blass, 2008). Those people who are suffering from obesity related ailments develop a weak health and cannot be able to contribute toward income generation in a significant manner. Diseases such as diabetes, heart

Monday, October 28, 2019

Concepts of Racism and Discrimination

Concepts of Racism and Discrimination Race has been an issue in North America for many years. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva discusses the new racism in his book, Racism without Racists. Bonilla-Silva classifies the new racial discrimination as color blind racism. Color blind racism is then structured under four frames (26). Color blind racism is believed to have lead to the segregation of the white race from other minorities called white habitus. Color blind racism and white habitus has affected many people, whom dont even realize that they are currently affected, have been or will be affected. Color blind racism is an ideology, which acquired cohesiveness and dominance in the late 1960s, explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics, according to Bonilla-Silva (2). In order to analyze color blind racism, Bonilla-Silva relies mostly on interview data (11) through a 1997 Survey of Social Attitudes of College Students and a 1998 Detroit Area Study (DAS) (12). Bonilla-Silva then breaks down the analysis of color blind racism into four central themes to convey how whites explain a world without racial issues: abstract liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, and minimization. Abstract liberalism is ideas associated with political liberalism and economic liberalism (28). Abstract liberalism is used for a wide range of issue therefore Bonilla-Silva gives a few different examples of when this frame is used. Rationalizing Racial Unfairness in the Name of Equal Opportunity was used when asking white students if minorities should be provided unique opportunities to be admitted into universities (31). Most whites will state that everyone should have an equal opportunity. Those whites, ignored the effects of past and contemporary discrimination on the social, economic, and educational status of minorities, argues Bonilla-Silva (31). Some of the other views explained are: The Most Qualifiedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦: A Meritocratic Way of Defending White Privilege, Nothing Should be Forced upon People: Keeping Things the Way They Are, and Individual Choice or an Excuse for Racial Unfairness and Racially Based Choices. The reasoning for abstract liberalism usually deals with equal opportunity, choice and individualism as a defense to white privilege (28). In this frame, it says that you cant allow preferential treatment to certain groups to promote racial equality because equal opportunity is available for everyone. This denies that there are any advantages to whites based from history. Cultural racism uses the they dont have it altogether statement (39). The essence of the American version of this frame is blaming the victim, arguing that minorities standing is a product of their lack of effort, loose family organization, and inappropriate values, stated Bonilla-Silva (40). Kara a MU student states, black people that Ive metà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I dont want to say waiting for a handout, but to some extent, thats kind of what Im like hinting at, when asked what she thought about blacks lacking motivation (40). Other students used a kinder response to the above question leading to a family structure issue, a lack of education, and financially that blacks had to get a job at an earlier age than whites (41). Cultural racism is the basis of most racism today. The blame game is used in all situations. Peoples egos dont like to believe that the problem occurs because of themselves. If it isnt my fault, it must be yours! All of these frames are not solely separate. Each frame can and are intertwined when talking to most of the students. According to Bonilla-Silva, when minimization of racism and cultural racism are mixed, the results are ideologically deadly (40). Minimization of racism is the belief of whites that race is not the concerning issue. Bonilla-Silva analysis the DAS survey response to the question if the students believed that discrimination was currently a problem. The white and the black groups both responded with a high percentage that they disagreed or strongly disagreed (43). Although whites and blacks believe discrimination is still a problem, they dispute its salience as a factor explaining blacks collective standing, states Bonilla-Silva (43). A more through question was then asked to clarify and blacks believed that discrimination was alive and still is alive (43). Minimization explains, simply, that race is no longer a factor. People sometimes state that minorities are too sensitive. Naturalization is the next frame discussed. Bonilla-Silva believes that this frame was used particularly when discussing school or neighborhood matters, to explain the limited contact between whites and minorities, or to rationalize whites preferences for whites as significant others (36). Students would use words such as natural or thats the way it is when using this frame (37). Bonilla-Silva uses segregation questions to show examples of the naturalization frame. The question would ask why people segregate in schools or where they live. Most would respond, its human nature (39) or I dont really think its a segregationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦spend time with people that they are like (37). According to Bonilla-Silva, As white neighborhoods develop, white schools follow- an outcome that further contributes to the process of racial isolation (39). This racial isolation Bonilla-Silva calls white habitus. Naturalization says that people self select or are hedonistic but why d o people live in all white or black neighborhoods? This may be due to the long history of segregation or selection of realtors to sell only to a certain ethnicity for a certain area. White habitus is a radicalized, uninterrupted socialization process that conditions and creates whites racial taste, perceptions, feelings, and emotions and their views on racial matters (104). Bonilla-Silva stated, One of the central consequences of the white habitus is that it promotes a sense of group belonging and negative views about non whites (104). Whites interpret segregation as natural or as just the way things are (112). The white race does not have to think about their race because of their dominance. This issue expands when racial segregation occurs. Besides the absence of noticing ones race, white respondents did not seem to see any problems in having an all white neighborhoods. Whites reported being friends with blacks but then later when asked more questions never named a black friend. The research showed that less than 10% of whites actually had black friends even when interracial friendship were available, whites did not cross the color line (108). The impact of white habitus is significant. Racial segregation causes attitudinal, emotional, and political implications (125). Other impacts are the negative effect naturalization and justifications of racial segregation; creates a greater distance between races; lack of empathy and the lack of the reality of colorblind racism (123-125). Colorblind racism affects you, me, and everyone in this world. It is the new racism. Bonilla-Silva states, Color-blind racism forms an impregnable yet elastic ideological wall that barricades whites off from Americas racial reality (181). Not only does it cut white Americans off it allows them to justify what is happening without the harshness of the past (181). Blacks are affected by color blindness, also. They fall within the four frames similar to white but on a smaller scale. Blacks were more direct in their answers but color blind racism had some indirect and direct effects on blacks (172). Color blind racism has shaped some blacks way of thinking about segregation (171). It has allowed some blacks to believe in the culture of poverty concept (172). The struggle against color-blind racism will have to be waged not only against color-blind whites, who cannot see the centrality of race in America, but also against the many slightly color-blind blacks, concluded Bonilla-Silva (172) . In my opinion, the only way to work on the struggle against racial inequality is to continue to talk about it, learn about it, and emphasize the effects of it. Based on the information provided in Bonilla-Silvas book, I can assume that most white are not around to see or hear the racism compared to the minorities that deal with it on a daily basis. Most whites live in primary white neighborhoods so they do not have the opportunity to be aware of racism or sometimes they dont pay attention to it because it doesnt involve them. Sometimes whites say they have black friends but in reality they may have seen black people but never connected with a black person on a friendship level. In order to understand one another and get along, it is important to integrate and learn about each race. Integration of all forms is the key to dissipating racism. The Dynamics of Racial Residential Segregation states, Sociologists and policymaker have long viewed racial residential segregation as a key aspect of racial inequality (Charles, 2003). This article along with many other sociology classes, books, and articles state that segregation is an issue of our past and present. We have made some integration movement since the Apartheid days but this is not enough. We have to level the playing field. If it takes the government getting involved to promoting integrated communities, then I think that is what should be done. People do not like new rules or regulations, so why cant the government promote integration like they promote new federal laws such as the DUI legal limit of .08%. If you move into an integrated community of a certain percent then you will receive a tax cut or some type of benefit. This promotes people to live with other races and eventually it will become second nature . Obviously, the government cannot make those integrated communities communicate but I believe that with time neighbors will start to talk to one another or if nothing else some type of promotion for community block parties, similar to when I was a kid, would assist in the communication process. That is how I remember meeting the neighbors. Community block parties are non-existent now days but I believe they are beneficial to everyone! With a little effort from everyone, we can make it happen, a life without racism!

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Maratime Rights Movement (Nova Scotia, Canada) :: Canadian Canada History

The Maratime Rights Movement (Nova Scotia, Canada) The Maritime Rights Movement is usually seen as part of the economic decline of post world war period in the Maritimes. The Maritimes were going through hard times, the depression was said to have started in the Maritimes ten years before the rest of Canada did in 1929. The Movement had the Maritimes economic and social needs as it's priorities. The Maritimes views were often contradictory to those of West and Central parts of Canada. The Movement strove to alleviate some of the stress on the Maritimes economy, especially in the midst of hard times after the war. The Movement was seen as an opportunity for Maritimers to stand together for their own interests as Eastern Canadians. In retrospect, most see the movement as a plea for separation, but this was usually not the case. The Period Leading into the Movement In reference to the rest of Canada at the time, the Maritimes were a region with less of an advantage in fields such as the economy, employment and business. At the time the Central and Western areas of Canada were much more populated then the Maritimes. This often this correlated with better economy, employment, and other fields that the Maritimes were weak in. Since the time of Confederation, the Maritimes economy had been on a steady downfall. This was a huge strain on the labor force. Most of the potential employees in the Maritime region were leaving, going to Central and Western Canada for better life and employment . Going into the 1920's the Maritimes were loosing the bulk of its laborer's to other parts of Canada with better economy. This created problems for the Maritimes. The first main problem has to do with the population of the Maritimes. With all of the workers from the Maritimes leaving, the population is dropping. The odd thing is that the overall population of the Nation at this time is growing, while the population of the Maritimes is actually falling. What this translates into is the fact that the population in the rest of Canada was actually growing faster then the population of the Maritimes was dropping. This problem creates a problem in it's self, as can be seen in the impact felt in both politics and the economy . Instead of the Maritime economy advancing, most of our workers left, and thus helped Canada's Western and Central economies increase .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nanjing Massacre

Genocide Research Project Questions and Instructions Research Reminders * Each student must answer all questions. * Record references for all information used to answer the questions. (copy and paste to a word document or save to your H: drive or print a copy) * Only research will be conducted today. You will not work on your presentation until all research is completed. * You must get information from 9 sources, most from Galileo. * In Galileo, select History References and Full Text. Enter your country and genocide as search terms. You will have to READ the articles to find information. Write the answers, cut and paste, or type into your word document with a reference to the source. * Use the citation option to get the APA citation for the source. Copy and paste into your word document. All questions must be answered with correct source citations by the end of class. This assignment will count as a quiz grade. You can access the word document on Edmodo or Ms. Youse’s webpage . Open it and save it to your H: drive before you begin your research. Name _______________ Date ___________ Period______ Country___________Research Questions, Answers, and Sources 1. What historical, cultural, social events led to this particular case of genocide? In December 1937, the then-Chinese capital of Nanjing fell to the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA). China, under the control of the Nationalist government (the KMT), had been engaged in full-scale conflict with Japan since July of that year in what is known as the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). During 1937, Japanese forces captured several major Chinese cities, including Shanghai, whose taking enabled the invading army to advance on the capital.By the time the IJA entered an already-bombarded Nanjing on December 13, the KMT had withdrawn its army, leaving the city officially defenceless. Source: Kinney, D. (2012). Rediscovering a massacre: The filmic legacy of Iris Chang's The Rape of Nanking. Continuum: Journal Of Media ; Cultural Studies, 26(1), 11-23. doi:10. 1080/10304312. 2012. 630136 2. Where did this genocide occur? Identify a specific place and its relative location on the planet. Nanjing (nan? jing? ) or Nanking (nan? king? ) [southern capital], city (1994 est. pop. 2,224,200), capital of Jiangsu prov. E central China, in a bend of the Chang (Yangtze) River. It has served at times in the past as capital of China. The second largest city in the region (after Shanghai), Source: Nanjing. (2013). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. 3. When did this case of genocide occur? How long did it last? The events that ensued over six weeks – including mass rape and killing of both civilians and disarmed military personnel – are known collectively as the Nanjing Massacre. Its death toll remains hotly disputed particularly among Japanese historians, though the official Chinese estimate is 300,000.Source: Kinney, D. (2012). Rediscovering a massacre: The filmic legacy o f Iris Chang's The Rape of Nanking. Continuum: Journal Of Media & Cultural Studies, 26(1), 11-23. doi:10. 1080/10304312. 2012. 630136 4. What are/were the targeted races, ethnicities, tribes, or religions? On December 13, 1937, the invading Japanese army captured Nanking and ruthlessly butchered Chinese disarmed soldiers and civilians, madly looted Chinese properties, and indulgently torched down private and public buildings. However, the most heinous of all was their shameless, cruel rape of Chinese women.An eyewitness, H. J. Timperley, a reporter of the â€Å"Manchester Guardian,† said in his book that the desecrated Nanking was â€Å"an earthly hell. † Source: Hu, H. W. (1992). Don't forget the Chinese Women under the Rape of Nanking. Chinese American Forum, 7(4), 20-23 5. Provide relevant background information about the region and the conflict. Nanjing is at the intersection of three major railroad lines. Industry, which once centered around nankeen cloth (unbleac hed cotton goods), was vigorously developed under the Communist government.The city now has an integrated iron-steel complex, an oil refinery, food-processing establishments, and hundreds of plants making chemicals, textiles, cement, fertilizers, machinery, weapons, electronic equipment, optical instruments, photographic equipment, and trucks. Nanjing has long been celebrated as a literary and political center. It was the capital of China from the 3d to 6th cent. A. D. and again from 1368 to 1421. The Treaty of Nanjing, signed in 1842 at the end of the Opium War, opened China to foreign trade. During the Taiping Rebellion insurgents held the city from 1853 to 1864.It was captured by the revolutionists in 1911, and in 1912 it became the capital of China's first president, Sun Yat-sen. When in 1927 the city fell to the Communists, the foreign residents fled to the protection of British and American warships on the Chang River. The Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek retook the city, and it became (1928) the regular Nationalist capital. In 1932, when the Japanese were threatening to attack the city, the government was temporarily removed to Luoyang, and on Nov. 21, 1937, just before Nanjing fell to the Japanese, it was moved to Chongqing.The Japanese entry into the city, accompanied by widespread killing and brutality, became known as the rape of Nanking. Source: Nanjing. (2013). Reloaded Content, 1. 6. Name all of the groups involved in the conflict. Describe each group. Source: 7. What were the major and the underlying causes of the genocide? What do the perpetrators of the genocide hope to accomplish? Source: 8. Was there an event that â€Å"sparked† the killings? (for example, the President’s plane crash in Rwanda) If so, what was the inciting incident? Source: 9. What occurred during the genocide? A.Who was targeted and why? B. Who did the killing? C. What methods were used? D. How long did it last? E. How many people were killed? Source: 10. How did the genocide end? Source: 11. Was there any involvement from the international community (individual countries or the United Nations)? If so, what? If not, why? Source: 12. What were/are the lasting effects of the genocide? Some questions to consider are? A. What was the country/region like directly after the genocide? B. What is the country/region like today? C. Are there still tensions between the groups involved? Source:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Race representation in “Desmond’s” and “Mind your language” Essay

In this essay I am going to compare the ways in which race has been represented in the two sitcoms â€Å"Desmond’s† and â€Å"Mind your language.† Desmond’s is a sitcom set in a barber shop in the 1989 and Mind your language which is set in a school in 1970’s. Mind your language reinforces stereotypes by the people’s accents for example Ali said that he goes around and â€Å"nicking† on peoples doors when he’s meant to say â€Å"knocking† on peoples door that’s why you cant trust him and this also makes him sound dishonest. Ali and Ranjeet are in a conflict with each other because of the war against India and Pakistan. Jamila the Pakistani woman is represented as domestic because she is always knitting in class also there is conflict going on with Ingrid the Swedish woman and Anna the German woman who are trying to attract most of the men in the class because mostly the class is full of men. Ranjeet is shown as a typical Indian because he is always shaking his head and moving his hands and also him going to be arranged married to a another person that he doesn’t even know and doesn’t like. Taro the Japanese man has a camera on him because it shows that all Japanese people carry cameras and makes them look like tourists. All the students in Mind your language don’t take learning English seriously by not doing their homework instead they buy it of Giovanni the Italian and coming late to their classes. Desmonds is a sitcom set in 1980s in a barber shop. Desmond’s is different to mind your language. It is subverting stereotypes because in Desmond’s the people own their own business and when the show starts you see white people hanging around with black people instead of white people on one side and black on the other. This is represented by Shirley how is the daughter of Desmond has a white friend and when the show is starts you see a Blackman and a white man shaking hands. In Desmond the barber shop is used for social conversation about black people achieving things and how political comments are made negative at stereotyping in the media. Sean is the son of Desmond. He’s represented as a claver and wanting to go to school and wanting to learn. As well as listening to rap music and the older brother Sean has left and started working as a bank manager how lives well and also owns his own house. In conclusion I think mind your language is bad because it makes the people sound dishonest and bad but Desmond’s on the other hand show positive view on TV because of showing black people wanting to learn and at the same time being into rap music and also black people being friends with white people.